Business Insurance

Under this category, we offer the following options:

1 Marine Hull &Machinery:

We facilitate protection for ship or fleet against physical damage caused by a hazard of the sea or another vessel in transit across water.

2 Marine Cargo:

When goods are lost or damaged while being transported from one location to another, the maritime cargo insurance protects the cargo owner from what would otherwise be a significant financial loss.

3 Goods-in-Transit:

The insurance covers the risk of loss or damage to the insured’s goods in transportation, during loading or unloading from the conveyance, or when temporarily housed in the regular course of transit inside Nigeria, caused by any accident or disaster.

4 Money Insurance:

We offer to protect money (cash and monetary instruments) lost by an organization while in transit, in a safe, or in the personal custody of personnel. Coverage should be supplied on the basis of the following:

  • Cash-in-transit
  • Cash-in-Safe
  • Cash-In-Personal Custody of trusted employees
  • Damage to Safe
  • Cash-in-Premises

5 Fidelity Guarantee:

Fidelity Guarantee insurance protects your business from financially harmful activities such as fraud and theft perpetrated by your staff.

It is a policy that compensates the Insured for financial losses incurred as a direct result of acts of disloyalty or dishonesty by workers or others in positions of trust.

6 Group Life Assurance:

Group Life Assurance: The Pensions Reform Act of 2004 mandates that companies purchase this insurance on behalf of their workers for a minimum of three (3) times their yearly total remuneration. All employers with five (5) or more workers are required to participate in the system, which offers death-in-service benefits. The sum of the base wage, housing, and transportation allowances is referred to as total emolument.

7 Public Liability Insurance;

Even the most efficient and structured firm can expose everyone who enters the premises or comes into contact with any component of your business operations to a variety of hazards that might result in physical damage, for which the business owner has responsibility.

Any awards of damages made to a member of the public as a consequence of injury or property damage caused by your business operations are covered by public liability insurance. It also covers any third-party legal liability, charges, and expenditures, as well as accidental death.