frequently asked questions

You can learn more about her our services from our asked questions

A few are listed below to guide you on key burning questions about services and policies.

When will I be paid after I have surrendered my policy?

An email with a form describing your surrender / termination value would be sent to you. You should get payment within 5 working days after receiving the document from you.

Can I extend my policy Duration?

Yes, depending on when you meet the satisfying underwriting requirement

Can I change my Premium?

Yes, premium payments can be increased or reduced.

Can my bank account be debited directly?

Our direct debit form is handled using the NIBSS system, and it will be sent to your bank for approval. On the date provided on the form, a debit will be made on your account.

Can I reactivate my policy?

Our policy can be reactivated if you meet the underwriting requirements and pay all overdue premiums.

Does the policy cover me anywhere in the world?

The policies of Standout insurance brokers are applicable to residents in Nigeria.

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