About us

Who we are

Standout Insurance Brokers

Standout Insurance Brokers Limited as a member of Standout Finance Group, is an independent insurance brokerage firm registered as a Limited Liability Companythatfacilitates for its teeming clients a full range of insurance products that cover themagainst all forms of risks and within its short space of existence, Standout Insurance has begun to trail the blaze in the Nigeria Insurance Market. Standout Insurance Brokers Limited is licensed by the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) and is also a member of the Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers. (NCRIB). We have a reputation in the market for facilitating the swiftpayment of premiums by our clients to the partnering underwriters/insurers as we understand the seriousness embedded in the “no premium no cover” policy governing the insurance space, and also ensuring that the clients get their policy documents timeously to give them the confidence that they are adequately covered and in the same vein, to guarantee that our clients’ position is not threatened in the case of a claim. Our company has a proven track record of effective claims management.

Our Mission

To be the most preferred brokerage firm, promoting human development by safeguarding what matters and bringing insurance as a risk management tool to the attention of everybody, while offering value to our clients and stakeholders in a trust and worthy manner.

Our Vision

To establish a strong and successful presence in the Nigerian insurance sector as a major insurance brokerage organization.

Our Core Values


Integrity implies being truthful and honest in all aspects of our lives, including our professional and personal lives. Even in the face of hardship, when presented with difficult judgments and hard choices, we do the right thing.

Team Work

Our team's strength comes not just from our combined knowledge and competence, but also from our ability to trust one another in every situation. We understand that our finest work is generated not by individuals, but by working together as a team and supporting one another on a daily basis.

Passion for Excellence

We take pleasure in our work and approach it with a positive attitude. In everything we do, we strive for perfection. Through strong cooperation, dedication, and communication; our teamwork propels us to success.

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